111 Commons Way
Bldg. 1, Suite 111
Princeton, NJ 08540

From 1 to 5,000: Celebrating The Tank Tiger’s Milestone in Connecting Customers and Storage Facilities

To count from 1 to 5,000 would take you about twenty-three minutes. To connect 5,000 customers looking for storage with 5,000 storage facilities took The Tank Tiger a little over 9 years. We’re pleased to report that last week we reached that milestone and cemented the proof of concept that there is value in the terminal storage marketplace for the application of a hub and spoke search mechanism. We’re grateful to our customers who have turned to us to help them find the storage that they need. We’re humbled by the fact that some great terminaling companies recognize that we’re here to help them at a moment’s notice. Almost every terminal storage company that you’ve ever heard of now works with The Tank Tiger on a regular basis.    And yes, we recognize that subleasing storage tanks that you have under contract isn’t your day job, and we’re happy to take that burden off of your hands. We will continue to build-on and grow our relationships on both sides of the transaction, and we look forward to the day that we can report deal number 10,000 back to you. (We’re now at 5,006 – and counting).


West Texas Intermediate scored a 4% gain for the week, the largest weekly increase, in percentage terms, since April. Brent crude futures settled last Friday at $82.62 per barrel, with WTI starting the weekend at $78.54.   The S&P 500 on Friday finished with its best weekly gain in over a month, bolstered by encouraging inflation data.  The Consumer Price Index was unexpectedly flat in May. But let’s not get too excited yet. The econ eggheads reiterated that they want to see consecutive months of inflation relief before considering rate cuts. Even with those, the strong payroll reports we’re seeing have kept them from acting too quickly.  Despite a holiday-shortened week due to tomorrow’s Juneteenth celebration, Wall Street will experience “triple witching” on Friday – when stock options, stock index futures and stock index options all expire on the same day.  Can you say, “volatility”?


While we wait for Tropical Storm Alberto to form in the Gulf, scientists believe they may have found a way of cooling the planet by deflecting light from the sun in the latest climate intervention technology.  Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) aims to reflect sunlight up into space to temporarily reduce the temperature of the Earth. By injecting huge amounts of tiny aerosols into clouds, which form many small droplets, it could change the composition of the clouds and reflect sunlight away from the Earth surface – in an effort to slow down global warming.  Oy…unintended consequences perhaps??? This sounds just as bad as floating the idea of an “all tariff policy” to lawmakers as a means to eventually eliminate income tax in the US.  Earth to Smoot Hawley…come in Smoot Hawley! Sigh.

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